What is Defender-X?

It is an innovative security software that detects criminal intention by analyzing human mental status (emotions) in a video.

Defender-X was developed in institutions of the Russian government. Elsys Japan is the owner of the product, being Nichiei International a distributor. It does not guarantee crime prevention.

Operational achievements

About 500 Defender-X are already in operation in Russia, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Egypt, Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, South Korea, and Japan.

Example of analysis

How does Defender-X work?

Defender-X visualizes the frequency and amplitude of micro movements with colors. It detects people in abnormal mental states who have different pattern of micro vibrations and considers them as a suspicious person. It is based on statistical data of micro vibration patterns collected in long-term experiments with more than 100,000 people tested.

What are the Advantages of implementing Defender-X?

  1. Possible to prevent suspicious person by detecting them in an early momentum
  2. Personal recognition database is not needed
  3. Real-time detection and analysis
  4. Easy to add in existing video system
  5. Applicable to various purposes for security measures

Product reliability (based on the results at Sochi Winter Olympic Games)

Security conditions

  • Number of pavilions:17 (262 gates)
  • Number of surveillance cameras:262 (1 per gate)
  • Defender-X:131 (2 cameras per system)

Detection results

  • Total number of visitors: 2,700,000 (120,000 per day)
  • Number of people passing through each security check zone: 1,200 per day
  • Number of detected people: 10 per secrurity check zone
  • Result: 92% of the detected people by Defender X did have real motives to deny access to event

Operational Environment & Required Specifications


Time for analysis 2 seconds or more
Number of connectable cameras maximum 2 cameras, depending on the specification of CPU/USB memories
Output when detecting suspicious red frame on display with immediate and seamless relay
to digital caution and/or any type of alert
Operational environment 1) size: larger than 200x200 pixels on VGA image, 10 people or less on display
2)illuminance: should be 400-600 Lx on the surface of subjects
3)stability: camera must be fixed for stable set up


Compatible cameras web camera, IP camera, and analogue camera with encoders
Connection with IP cameras any IP cameras with ONVIF profile S
Connection format IP camera with ONVIF [MJPEG is preferable]
Necessary resolution at least VGA [640x480]
Necessary frame rate 25 fps or better under PAL standard. 30 fps is preferable under NTSC standard

Recommended PC specifications

*Not installable above DirectX 9.0 *Unnecessary applications

*Preferable CPU with Corei7 6th generations above

*CPU Clock with more than 3.6GHz

*RAM DDR3 with more than 8GB

*HDD with more than 100GB

*USB2.0 with two ports or more

*PCI with one slot (option)

*Video capture with WDM compatible video device

*Audio capture device (16bit data with 44.1kHz stream frequency support)

*Network with more than 100BASE-TX